Newcastle Woodland Trail

Newcastle Woodland Trail is located in Newcastle, Ballymahon, Co.Longford. This forest is a Coillte owned semi-mature mixed woodland of 325 hectares that extends to both sides of the River Inny, a main tributary of the River Shannon.
There are 28 kilometres of forest roads, trails and walkways ranging in length from the 400 meter Access for All Walk to the 5km Church Walk. There is also a surfaced walk down along the River Inny and a 1 kilometre wheelchair accessible pathway though the wood, along with picnic and car parking areas. New walking trails are also surrounding the perimeter of Center Parcs and down to the Royal Canal.

Signage provides an interpretation of the woods diverse flora and fauna. Walkers can meander at a leisurely pace through the diverse ecological woodland while enjoying the tranquillity and wilderness effect of the forest canopy.
Newcastle Wood was once part of Newcastle Demesne, an estate of some 11,000 ha run by the King-Harman family in the 1800's. Nearby Newcastle House (now a hotel) was where the King-Harmans lived and there are many features and place names in the woodland which refer back to that time.

*Download/print map here*
For more information on the walking trails in Newcastle Woods please see Sport Ireland - Longford trails.
Points of Interest: Irelands newest and biggest tourist attraction Center Parcs Longford Forest is located alongside Newcastle Woods, it offers luxury accommodation and plenty of activities for young and old. Newcastle House Hotel dates back over 300 years and is ideal for a break in stunning surroundings.
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