Brí Leith Walk

Brí Leith is a beautiful hill walk on a resurfaced old walkway on Brí Leith or Ardagh Mountain, associated with the legend of Midir & Etain. There is Parking available. Distance 1.5km - 4.5km depending on what trail you take (linear or looped walk). Every last Sunday in July people gather for a walk up Brí Leith to remember the tradition of Bilberry Sunday. See creativeardagh/bri-leith-walk for more info.
The first walk came about in 2012 and takes in the ancient tradition of collecting Bilberries on Brí Leith. The High King of Ireland had the rights to the warm fruits of the mountain and they were collected on the Sunday before Lunasa so that he had them at his feast in Tara. The tradition of collecting this superfood continued well into the 1960s but the Bilberries retreated as the trees grew.
Points of Interest: A traditional estate village, Ardagh features spectacular stone walls and Tudor-Gothic cottages, among other important architectural features. The village’s architecture, heritage and other aesthetic attractions have combined to bring in both national and international visitors including the more discerning tourist, over the years. Ardagh also is the proud three times winner of the Irish Tidy Towns Award. Learn about Irish mythology, early Christianity, local writers and life 100 years ago at Ardagh Heritage and Creativity Centre. Create art, explore your creativity and be inspired.

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