Short Stories from the Longest River
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Select Episode 4 for "The Pike of Lanesborough" and select Episode 5 for "The Little Crebe at Lough Ree".
A series of 12 stories set on the River Shannon, starting at its source at the Pot in Dowra, County Cavan, through the Callow’s and finishing in Limerick at the Shannon Estuary where the river ends.
Episode 4 "The Pike of Lanesbourough" and Episode 5 "The Little Crebe at Lough Ree" are set in County Longford. Each episode is a story from nature’s perspective, highlighting the animals, birds, insects and aquatic creatures that reside along its banks or in the river itself.

Written by Sinéad McClure
Narrated by Margaret Kilcoyne, Pat Feely & Sinéad McClure
Produced for Rtejr Radio by All Points West Radio Productions
And Funded by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland with the Television Licence Fee.